Keys To The Kingdom of Dressage
"KEYS TO THE KINGDOM OF DRESSAGE" is meant to benefit both horse and rider. It is a step-by-step pragmatic outline of vital information necessary to unlock the doors leading to becoming a Dressage rider. Susan’s lessons reinforce what is in the book but even without a lesson with her you will learn a lot about your horse’s natural self carriage tendencies and how to apply the proper riding aids to train the horse to be better balanced. Once this is achieved your horse will be easier to ride, less spooky and in general much happier. If you are just starting out or a trainer, this book will be a help to your riding. Purchase your copy today for only $29.95 (includes shipping and handling within the continental USA).
"Fabulous resource for horse and rider ~ Very well written with great examples in easy to understand terminology. It has helped me as a rider as well as it has helped my horse."